HONEY (Orange) Bred from Orange x Orange Butterfly. Bred here @ Berrys Bunnys.

TILLY (Chocolate Otter) Bred from Chocolate Otter x Blue Otter. Bred here @ Berrys Bunnys

ALICE (Sooty Fawn Butterfly) Bred from Orange x Sooty Fawn Butterfly. Bred by Sue Burgess @ Sue Burgess Mini Lops.

NALA (Blue Otter) Bred from Beige Otter x Blue Self. Bred by Georgina @ Olivabi Lops

DORY (Orange Butterfly) Bred from Orange x Orange Butterfly. Bred by Brian Newton @ Newton Lops.

WILLOW (Chocolate Otter Butterfly) Bred from Chocolate Butterfly & Orange. Bred here @Berrys Bunnys

BELLE (Sooty Otter)

MINNIE (Chocolate Tortoiseshell)

BRAMBLE (Sooty Fawn) Bred from Sealpoint x Sooty Fawn. Bred here at Berrys Bunn

Daisy (Chocolate Otter) Bred from Sealpoint x Chocolate Fox. Bred here @ Berrys Bunnys

Fleur (Chocolate Otter) Bred from Lilac Otter x Chocolate Fox Bred here @Berrys Bunnys

Laurel (Chocolate Tortoiseshell) Bred from Chocolate Tortoiseshell xChocolate Self from Libby @ Radnall Rabbits

We are located at:

Berry's Bunnys 

Elm Lodge

Elmstone Hardwicke


GL51 9TF

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If you have any queries or wish to make an appointment, please contact us:


01242 681284


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Berrys-Bunnys @2007